Monday, March 8, 2010

You can't bring me down DMV!

So today I did something that is very difficult to do.... I committed to FINALLY going to the DMV to get my tags for my plates! (They're a littttttllleee expired)

And seriously, its a difficult task to even THINK about going to the DMV let alone actually doing it so just getting there gave me a small feeling of accomplishment... But it didnt last...

I walked in to find an enormous crowd of people just standing around staring at each other... Even the people that worked there looked lost.. It was like someone had put the DMV on pause (not that the people at the DMV move very fast anyway).

I wait in line and just hope that since everything i need is paid for and all taken care of it will be a situation where I can sneak in and sneak out.... yyyeaaaaahhhh right! I come up to the window to find a heavy set lady writing numbers down on little post it notes, I see the number 152 being handed to me with an un-apologetic "DMV systems are down statewide, dont know when they'll be back up, you can wait if you want"

REALLY!? RRREEEEAAALLLYYY!!?? I dont think I've EVER in my 26 years experienced an easy trip to the DMV (or not felt like I needed to take a hot bath in some kind of extreme disinfectant liquid)

I walk outside... Actually shoved outside by the smell of B.O... I escape the stank, catch my breath outside, express my distaste with some colorful language to a few other people waiting outside and in a few text messages, light a cigarette, take a drag and say "EFF THIS"!

Come on now DMV.. I won't even start with the fact that your computers and your "system" is from '92 and your handling all our official important affairs on a machine that I used to play Colorado Trail on back when I was still trying to learn how to spell DMV! But what is up with being closed 3 Fridays a month? And WHY do you constantly insist that we make appointments when it still does us NO GOOD! I still end up waiting half the day! I could go see AVATAR 3 times by the time I get out of there!

I think what irks me the most though, is that you knooooow you have the power! You women with your desk drawers full of 3 musketeers and jumbo sized Snickers bars just bask in seeing all of us be miserable! I would hate to work at the DMV, I would rather be the person in charge of lost baggage, either job ensures that nobody will like you!

Alright, On a lighter note... Today at school we got to make Tomato sauce which was a lot of fun! (Its even more fun when Chef says your texture and flavors are "spot on")

I am really lucky to have found a way to learn all about something that I just love to do! And I get to learn all these things with some really awesome people! I couldnt ask for much more... except a DMV miracle tomorrow when I go back for round 2...

til next time, too-ta-loo


Saturday, March 6, 2010

The queen of shit-brown roux!

Yes, its official... If you need to create a roux that looks like over-cooked refried beans mixed with dukey I'm your girl!

Sometimes I wonder what my role is in my class... I'm kind of loud yet still a little guarded and shy.. I sit right up front center but I never yell out answers! I just kind of smile and try to learn as much as I can..

There's some people in my class who seemed to have it all figured out already, we JUST started learning how to make a roux and personally, i never knew what the hell it was outside of seeing the contestants on Top Chef making them here and there... So when everyone in my class is asking a billion questions that go way over my head I feel a little intimidated...

So you can imagine my joy today when we actually had to put our knowledge to the test! Today we actually cooked our roux's and made them into sauces! Our first official day of cooking!

Once Chef explained our instructions everyone kind of dawdled around... the "brainiacs" were getting their exact measurements and started doing their roux like they were the cats pajamas, but I hate to admit that there is a little pleasure that comes out of the fact that mine actually came out great! I took control of my group and wasnt afraid to just dive in, I mean, that's what you gotta do to be a chef, control your kitchen!

Now I adore everyone in my class, but i couldnt help but just chuckle to myself about the failed attempts of my colleagues.. And our roux ended up being over-cooked so I dont pretend to be Top Chef Status, but its just nice that everyone can accept a little humility now...

So my bechamel sauce was starchy and a little thick but the flavor was perfect! And we had to re-work our espangole sauce at the last minute but overall we did our best and it was SO SO SO much fun to get our aprons dirty!

Its been a nice relaxing evening, Kenny and I did a little vlog, I edited it and posted it on youtube. I think we are ready for bed now though.. i wouldnt be suprised if Kenny wasnt passed out on the couch already!

Gonna lay my head down and enjoy a good nights sleep tonight! AMEN!

Til next time

Toota Loo